Hands of Hope (IOM)
Hands of Hope (IOM)
Working with the vulnerable & disadvantaged in NE Romania
Hands of Hope seek to help the vulnerable and disadvantaged of NE Romania by working in the community through one to one education, befriending of families, distribution of aid and practical help.
The work of the charity in Romania continues, however, our location close to the Ukrainian border places us in an ideal position to assist in the needs of the refugees from Ukraine and those affected by the Russian invasion.
Fundraising for Romania
Our headline work the past year has been the aid and support for the Ukrainian refugees and those affected by the war and invasion by Russia. All this time, we have been maintaining our work with the young people in our area, especially trying to ensure they reach their full potential at school. This Just Giving page has been set up to raise funds for this cause, converting our loft space into two classrooms and office space. Please consider giving to our day-to-day work. Thank you
Funds for our Ukrainian support are ring-fenced from our everyday work, ensuring all the money you donate is used most effectively for those affected by the war in Ukraine. Use the "JustGiving" link in the top menu.
Aid For Ukraine
Nearly two years have passed since the war in Ukraine started, and we have now completed over 20 aid trips into Ukraine and have more planned. Each trip focuses on meeting particular needs, helping a school, an orphanage and an older person's home, and supporting those working close to the front line.
Meeting these people, listening to their stories, and sharing their worries and hopes for the future has been a privilege.
Meeting Needs
In the early stages of the war, nearly 20,000 Indian medical students were evacuated and housed in a Romanian sports hall by a local village mayor. Many Romanians came to their aid, and we joined them. We were able to provide fuel for heating, SIM cards and medications. A key element in our help was moving through the crowd slowly and listening to their stories.
Helping with Travel - 1
Many people across Europe have sponsored travel, including some of the train and bus companies, but it is still a massive task getting people to the right place at the right time. This was a group travelling to Germany. We were able to provide overnight accommodation and transport to the pickup site.
Helping with Travel - 2
Having travelled to and from Romania some 50 times, flying and driving, we have significant experience in getting to places and have been able to use our expertise to help others. This train was provided free by the Romanian National Train Service to the refugees. Many people are in a state of shock and find it difficult to make rational decisions about getting places; We were able to help families and contact loved ones across Europe to ensure they met up and were safe.
Partnering with Others
It has been incredible sharing the care, and it is essential to play to our strengths and allow others to do what they are good at.
Fight for Freedom are one such group, and we were happy to sponsor the purchase of some aid for them to deliver across the border into Ukraine. We visited their base near Suceava, and they are a group with a passion for helping.Our Community Centre
Our Community Centre at Cobila is usually a bustling hub of activity with children's work in groups, one to one tuition, and families using showers and the washing machine. During the Covid lockdown, this had to be carefully managed, but gradually things are returning to normal.
We have been blessed by the addition of a new member of staff immensely gifted in teaching children and is proving a great asset.
Plans for later in the year include a complete activities week with invitations sent to 40 plus children.
Cobila Village
Built on land purchased by the charity, we have several house supporting 8 families and many children
Donate Now
There are many ways you can support us. The most simple is donating funds to help us continue the work we are doing – if you are interested in donating you can using one of the links below or use these bank details to transfer funds electronically
Sort Code: 55-91-00 Account Number: 12629251
alternatively, send cheques made payable to Hands of Hope to –
c/o Chris & Ruth Baker,
Hands of Hope,
14 Hawarden Avenue,
Douglas IM1 4BS,
Isle of Man.
What we do
We help the vulnerable and disadvantaged in the Dorohoi area of Botosani County, NE Romania. We support and encourage families in their difficult times meeting, where able, their physical needs but also building friendships.
Asociația Lumina Pentru Copii
Our partner charity in Romania is "Asociația Lumina Pentru Copii" (Light for Children)
Partenerul nostru în Romania este Asociația Lumina pentru Copii“ în Șendriceni, jud. Botoșani
Impreună putem oferi unori copii minunați o șansă mai bună pentru viitor!
Dacă eşti salariat, poţi direcţiona 3,5% din impozitul anual pe venit către Asociația Lumina pentru Copii! Este foarte simplu și nu te costă nimic!
Este nevoie doar să completezi de mână, cu majuscule, secțiunea I a formularului, care conține datele tale de identificare și să semnezi la Semnătura contribuabilului. Datele Asociației Lumina pentru Copii sunt precompletate. Nu este necesară specificarea sumei (instituția fiscală o va calcula și o va vira conform legii) și nici atașarea Fișei Fiscale.
3. DEPUNE formularul completat
La ANAF (aici ai lista administrațiilor) din localitatea de domiciliu, personal sau prin poștă (scrisoare recomandată cu confirmare de primire).
Sau direct la Asociația Lumina pentru Copii, Str. Sucevei nr. 15, 717380 Șendriceni, jud. Botoșani
Pentru mai multe detalii, ne poți contacta la gaelle@handsofhope.org.im
Our 2020 Video Thank-you
Chris and Ruth talk through some of the things HOH have done in 2020
Tree Planting at Cobila
Link to technical document regarding carbon sequestration
Update: Ploughing and land preparation has been completed, see pictures below.
The Product
Firewood and posts cut on a 15 year cycle
The Woodland Park
Paths and nature walks
Sign up to our Newsletter
Working with the disadvantaged
Where do you work?
We've visited all over Romania, but specifically we work in the Botosani / Dorohoi areas of North East Romania
Your funds help children and families reach their full potential
The Team
Currently in the Isle of Man we have six trustees
and in Romania Chris and Ruth Baker are 2 of the trustees of our partner charity Lumina Pentru Copii
Isle of Man
Chris & Ruth Baker, Chris & Gill Kirk, Amy Baker & Heidi Baker
Chris & Ruth Baker
Gaelle, Doina & Eduard
Want to know a bit more about us? be included on monthly emails? Or just get in touch -
© 2016